TakyBox Console

User Login Reset

Plase enter your email address to reset your password. A temporary password will be sent to you to the email address that matches to the account.

Email Address    

If you forget your email address, please Contact Us or send email to info@lacolorPros.com to reset your account.

Your studio name will be displayed on the top right hand side on each menu screen. To turn the studio name to a clickable link to your website address, simply enter the URL of your company website. For example, enter http://lacolorFilms.com. Make sure to include http:// at the beginning. Leave it blank if you do not want the name to be clickable.
Leave this field empty to create a hidden label. Hidden label can be used in creating a playlist that only the first chapter will be displayed as a clickable button.
TakyBox offers 3 button styles to select from.

Style 1

Style 2

Style 3

Select using San Serif font-face to display studio name. Such as Arial, Helv. Unchecked to box to use Serif font-face such as Times or Georgia.
For properly video playback, please specify the video file type you are going to deliver with TakyBox. Please avoid using .mov or .avi.

If you deliver your project using LA Color Pros Smart Wireless Flash Drive, it is recommended to encode video in 720p with 3mbps to 5mbps. That will ensure smooth playback of the video streaming from the Smart Wireless Flzsh Drive's WIFI hotspot. You can stil encode a full 1080p version store in the "Video Path" above. TakyBox will detect if the current playback is usiong the Smart Wireless Flash Drive. If it doesn, the 720p version will be used. Otherwise, the video stored in the "Video Path" above will be used.

If you do not use the Smart Wireless Flash Drive, you can leave this field blank.

To display the "Share Icon" on the top left of the menu and video screen. The share icon will display URL of the TakyBox project online address, or the URL if the video streamed from YouTube or Vimeo.

To password protect your online project (cannot project USB local project, for obvious reason), please enter your customer service email address or phone number here. It is for customer to contact you if they lost their password.

Password used in TakyBox is always 8 digits in this format.

Y = last digit in current year. e.g. 2016 is 6
MM = Month in two digits. Feb is 02, Nov is 11
DD = Date in 2 digit.
X = valid date. 1=1 day, 2=days.. 7=7days, 8=30days, 9=1 year, 0=no limit
CC = Two digits as check digit. Add all previous 6 digits together, 1 digit at a time.

For example, if you want to have a password valid for 3 days from Feb 14, 2016, the password will be 60214316 where 6=2016, 0214=Feb 14, 3=Valid for 3 days, 16=Sum of 6+0+2+1+4+3

Here's some password suggestions for today

41018115 = Valid only for 1 day
41018317 = Valid only for 3 day
41018721 = Valid 1 week from today
41018822 = valid one month from today
41018923 = valid 1 year from today
41018014 = no time limit

The following type is acceptable

  1. Video file name stored in the video folder
  2. Another menu file such as list.html or thumb.html listed in the data folder
  3. Vimeo URL such as
  4. YouTube URL such as
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzag69g9_38 or
  5. Dropbox shared link such as
To start a video from the beginning, leave this field blank. To start a video at a particular time, enter the time format in mm:ss or h:mm:ss.
"Back" is the default option for video go back to previous menu screen when finished player.

"Loop" will loop the current video indefinitely.

"Next" will play the next video on the list below to create a playlist.

Please upload a menu background image. File must be in JPG format. File size cannot be over 500kb in 1920x1080 resolution. It is best to crop the image as 1440x1080 since not all display device is in 16:9 format.